Adobe Id And Password Generator

A digital ID obtained from another provider cannot be deleted. To create a new Digital Signature, you can follow the steps mentioned below: Please open the PDF in Acrobat, choose the 'Certificate' tool from the 'Tools'. Make an ID card with Adobe Spark Post. Many business places have standardized ID cards that serve a professional purpose. Create your custom ID card using a template from the Adobe Spark library. Add your company logo, branding, colors, fonts, and images to your ID card. Afterward, you can print or share your ID card in digital formats.

Connexis Cash
Operating systems : Windows 7 only.
Browsers : Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 or 11.0 / Mozilla Firefox 22 or later / Google Chrome 28 or later.
Flash : Flash Player 11.5 or later.
Other Applications (Connexis Trade / Netpay / eReporting)
Operating systems : Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
Browsers : Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later / Mozilla Firefox 3.0.11 or later.

Memory (RAM): 1024 Mb. for PC (or equivalent)
Processor: 1.4 GHz. for PC (or equivalent)
Resolution: 1024 * 768 pixels
Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or later
Internet Access Services (high-speed recommended): 512 kbit/s
In order to guarantee an optimal performance of Connexis for worldwide operating clients, we recommend to spread your DNS-configuration as follows (keep in mind that the DNS servers have to be the closer possible of the end users):
- North America ;
- South America ;
- Europe, Middle East and Africa ;
- Asia Pacific.

Connexis Cash
Your browser needs to be equipped with Adobe Flash player version 11.1 or higher
Connexis Trade
Your browser needs to be equipped with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), from version 1.5.0_04 up to 7u45.

Your financial information is protected with a two-factor authentication mechanism, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 256-bit encryption, and automatic 'time-out' after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Connexis Cash
Supported authentication mechanisms :
- Password Generator
Connexis Trade
Supported authentication mechanisms :
- Password Generator
- UserID and Password
Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 provides 128-bit encryption level only, please upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox 3 to use a higher encryption level:
- Go to 'Help' - 'About Internet Explorer' menu
- Click on link 'update information'.
- Follow the instruction to go to Microsoft Web site to download a suitable version of Internet Explorer.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE6 uses 128-bit), use one of the three following methods :
- Move your mouse over the 'security lock icon' at the lower right hand corner. A 'SSL secured (256-bit)' tool-tip should pop up.
- Right-click any text on a page (not on a graphic object) and select 'Properties'. 'Connection' with 'SSL 3.0, RC4 with 256-bit encryption (High); RSA with 1024-bit exchange' is shown.
- Press 'File' in the toolbar and select 'Properties'. 'Connection' with 'SSL 3.0, RC4 with 256-bit encryption (High); RSA with 1024-bit exchange' is shown.

The Password Generator is a hardware key (token) that generates a unique password every time a valid PIN is entered. The PIN must be changed upon first usage.

Once an Authentication ID has been issued by the Bank, it can not be changed.

- For Password Generator users: keep your authentication token in a secure place, do not write the PIN on the back of the Password Generator, your Authentication ID and PIN code must remain confidential.
- For UserId and Password users: this information should remain confidential.
- The auto-complete function on your browser should be disabled, to avoid the automatic completion of your ID by the browser when you type in Authentication ID or UserID.
General Security Practices
Note: In Internet Explorer browser, the AutoComplete feature saves previous entries you have made for Web addresses, forms, and passwords. Then, when you type information in one of these fields, AutoComplete suggests possible matches. These matches can include folder and program names you type in the Address bar, and search queries, stock quotes, or information for just about any other field you fill in on a Web page. While you use the Internet banking service, it will automatically prompt your User ID which you have used in the system. To turn Auto-complete on or off in MS Internet Explorer browser, click the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Content tab, and click the Auto-complete button. Then disable the 'User names and passwords on forms'.

Whenever you are uncertain of whether the website on your screen is genuine, check the Internet address, or URL.
Connexis Cash
For Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may check also the validity of the certificate as follows:
- Click the 'security lock icon' at the bottom right corner (enable status bar if it cannot be seen)
- Check that the certificate information is displayed with:
- Issued to =
- Issued by = Akamai Subordinate CA 3
- Valid from = '...' is a valid date.
Connexis Trade
For Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may check also the validity of the certificate as follows:
- Click the 'security lock icon' at the bottom right corner (enable status bar if it cannot be seen)
- Check that the certificate information is displayed with:
- Issued to =
- Issued by = Verisign Class 3 Secure Server CA G2
- Valid from = '...' is a valid date.

Modify the settings of Internet Explorer as follows:
- Internet Explorer 8 or below - 'Do not save encrypted pages to disk' checkbox enabled (see Tools - Internet Options - Advanced Settings - Security section)
- Internet Explorer 9 or above - 'Do not save encrypted pages to disk' checkbox disabled (see Tools - Internet Options - Advanced tab)
- Both HTTP1.1 and HTTP1.1 through proxy connection checkboxes enabled (see Tools - Internet Options - Advanced Settings - HTTP 1.1 parameters section)
Security level set to 'medium' for IE6, 'medium-high' for IE7 (see Tools - Internet Options - Security tab). If security level is set to 'high', Connexis Cash V2 website won't be functional. In such a case, customize the 'high' level and modify the five settings below.
- For customized security levels (see Tools - Internet Options Security tab, Custom Level button), please set:
- 'Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting' to 'enabled' or 'prompt'
- 'Run ActiveX Controls And Plug-ins' to 'enabled' or 'prompt' (do not set 'administrator approved')
- 'Download Signed ActiveX Controls' to 'prompt' (optional if Flash player is already installed on your workstation)
- 'Navigate sub-frames across different domains' to 'enabled' or 'prompt'
- 'Active scripting' to 'enabled' or 'prompt'

BNP PARIBAS strengthened the security of its sites managed by a password. Rules are now as follows:
(a) Passwords must contain at least 6 characters with:
- at least 1 alphabetical character upper-case,
- at least 1 alphabetical character lower-case,
- at least 1 numerical character.
(b) A new password must not be the same as the two previous passwords.
(c) No more than 90 days must lapse between each password change (or maximum validity of 3 months).
(d) The initial password (first creation or re-creation if the user forgets password) set up by the administrator and sent confidentially to the user must be changed by the user the first time they log on.
If you are a Connexis Trade administrator, please contact the relevant Support indicated in the 'Contact us' page of this site. If you are a Connexis Trade user, please contact your company administrator.

Tokens, or Password Generators, used in the new Connexis portal provide a strong user authentication. The sequence of the passwords generated and displayed is dynamic, one-time and different for each password generator.
When a user enters a wrong PIN code, a failure status will be shown as error message with the number of wrong attempts. After 6 attempts, the token will be locked and will deliver a locked challenge code.
To enable it, the user should contact his Connexis Customer Support who will guide him in the next steps of the process.

Password-protect multiple PDF files at once
with individual passwords

AutoMassSecure™ Plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®
What is the AutoMassSecure™ Plug-in?
AutoMassSecure™ is a plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat® software used to secure batches of PDF files with individual passwords. The plug-in allows the restricting of document access rights such as printing or editing. The plug-in functionality is seamlessly integrated with the Adobe® Acrobat® application as a menu selection.
How it Works?
AutoMassSecure™ plug-in is designed to secure multiple PDF documents at once. The plug-in takes a folder or a set of selected PDF files as input. Every document is secured according to user-defined settings and protected with an individual password.
There are 3 methods for generating passwords for each input PDF document:
  • Use a Filename-to-Password mapping table: use a custom filename-to-password correspondence table to match filenames to desired passwords. Use this method when filenames are fixed and well-known.
  • Use a Keyword-to-Password mapping table: use a custom keyword-to-password correspondence table to assign passwords based on the presence of specific text. Use this method to assign passwords based on unique text strings such as employee IDs, social security numbers, account numbers, business names, etc.
  • Search each document for a specific text pattern and use it as a password. Use this method if the desired password is located within the document itself. For example, an account or social security number, or email address etc.
  • Use random password generators to automatically create unique high-strength passwords for each document. Use this method when maximum protection is required and passwords need to be hard to guess.
Secured documents are saved into an output folder without overwriting the original documents. For each output document a record is added to the password file containing a time stamp, output file path and the password(s) generated. The password file can later be accessed by other applications to retrieve this information and perform all necessary processing.
Getting Started
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System Requirements
Process Multiple PDF Documents At Once
Adobe id and password generator software
The plug-in processes all PDF documents from the input folder or a selected set of files. Secured files are saved into an output folder without overwriting input files which are left unmodified. Output files can be renamed by adding a custom prefix and/or suffix.
Secure Output Documents with Individual Passwords
You can limit the access to PDF files by setting passwords ('Open Document' and 'Access Permissions' passwords) and by restricting certain features, such as printing and editing. If document has 'Open Document' password set, then reader will be required to enter a password in order to open and read this document. All Adobe products enforce the restrictions set by the 'Access Permissions' password. However, because third-party products may not support or respect these settings, document recipients may be able to bypass some or all of the restrictions you set (such as ability to print or edit).
Use Filename-to-Password Mapping Table
Secure PDF documents by matching filenames to passwords using a user-specified mapping table. The mapping table is simply a list of filenames and corresponding passwords in the plain text format. Use this password-generation method if files have fixed and well known names.
Here is an example of the filename-to-password mapping table:
Use Keyword-to-Password Mapping Table
Secure PDF documents by matching keywords within document's text to the desired passwords. Use this method to assign passwords based on unique text such as social security number, employee ID, account number, company name etc.

Adobe Id And Password Generator

Here is an example of the keyword-to-password mapping table that associates 10 digit account numbers to passwords:
Search Documents For Passwords
Search each PDF document for a user-defined text pattern and use matching text as a password for securing corresponding file. This method allows using regular expressions to define text patterns.Regular expressions is a common way to search for patterns in text documents and provide a very powerful mechanism for extracting text. Use this method if a desired password is contained in the document itself. For example, account or social security number, email address, phone number, zip code and etc. Another technique is to put a desired password somewhere on the page of each document at the time it is generated.
Random Password Generation
The plug-in supports several different methods for generating random passwords of variable length:
1. Pronouncable passwords that conform to FIPS-181 Standard
Passwords generated by this method are easy to remember, but provide low security protection. Examples: etujkoka, irfvedmy, obgrevrawmu, addkiyou. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 181 issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology specifies Automated Password Generator algorithm to generate passwords for the protection of computer resources. The algorithm uses random numbers to select the characters that form the random pronounceable passwords. It produces passwords that are easily remembered, and entered into computer systems, yet not readily susceptible to automated techniques that have been developed to search for and disclose passwords. However, passwords generated by this method are not recomended for protecting of sensitive documents. They can be breaked within few days using modern software.
2. Pronouncable case-sensitive passwords
This method uses FIPS-181 algorithm but also randomizes case of individual characters. These passwords are harder to remember than FIPS-181 and provide low-to-medium security protection. Examples: OaHidleINY, UKtroLziiCa, OaCdIsGeJ.
3. Variable length passwords that contain only ASCII characters (both lower and upper case) and digits
This method randomly generates case-sensitive passwords by mixing English characters with digits (0-9). These passwords are hard to remember and provide medium-to-high level of security protection. Examples: pO6SYER866su0A, 6Ax4TROvHSm, xiQE72EPfsok.
4. Variable length passwords that contain ASCII characters (both lower and upper case), digits (0 - 9) and symbols
This method randomly generates case-sensitive passwords by mixing English characters with digits (0-9) and symbols (symbols used: ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}|;:',<.>/?). These passwords are very hard to remember and provide high level of security protection against automated password-breaking techniques. Examples: P8iEmD=/7zfjt?, 9A4eh3Q}p9n6, E5jRQ!wMBDsd*0.
5. Passwords based on custom user-specified pattern
Password pattern defines what character type can appear in the specific position. This method randomly selects a password length from a user specified range and repeats the password pattern to create a password of the necessary length. This method provides great flexibility in generating wide variety of passwords to satisfy custom security requirements.
All algorithms generate passwords of random length (using user-specified min/max values) within 5 - 64 characters range. Passwords are garanteed to be unique within one file 'batch' even if processing millions of documents. It is recommended to use passwords at least 10 characters long for adequate security protection.

Adobe Id And Password Generator Download

Save Password Data

Adobe Id And Password Generator Online

Processing information such as time stamp, output filename and associated access passwords) are saved into a password file for further processing by external applications. The plug-in allows the storing of data in either ASCII CSV or XML file formats (Sample password output: CSV and XML formats). Both output formats are widely used for data exchange and are readily supported by most database and spreadsheet applications.
Encryption Strength

Adobe Id And Password Generator Free

The plug-in supports the following encryption methods:
  • 128-bit RC4 (supported by Adobe Acrobat version 5 and up)
  • 128-bit AES (supported by Adobe Acrobat version 7 and up)
  • 256-bit AES (supported by Adobe Acrobat version 9 and up)
Password Strength
Use high-strength password type and password length of at least 8-10 characters to make your documents highly secure. Documents protected at such security level cannot be opened by password-cracking software in any reasonable amount of time. Longer passwords provide greater level of security protection. Passwords generated by the AutoMassSecure™ plug-in are resistant to dictionary and brute-force attacks. Key length attack cannot be used on 128-bit security data and is not applicable to PDF documents secured by the plug-in.
Download a free trial version of the plug-in to your computer. Double-click on an installation file and follow on-screen instructions. Once installation has been completed, launch Adobe® Acrobat® and select 'Plug-ins > Secure Files...' menu to access AutoMassSecure™ plug-in functionality.
Microsoft® Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Server 2012/2016/2019.
Full version of Adobe® Acrobat® software is required (32-bit versions 6-9, X, XI, DC, 2015, 2017-2020).
This software will not work with free Adobe Acrobat® Reader®.
Batch processing functionality requires presence of Adobe® Acrobat Professional®.
(Adobe Acrobat Product Comparison Chart).