Advance Acoustic Review



Aug 24, 2011 Advance Acoustic MAA 405: mick3 's user review « I was convinced of the potential of the brand » 4 My first step into the high-end, advised by a salesman with my pregnant Triangle Luna. Advance Acoustic MAA402 review from the experts at What Hi-Fi? - compare latest prices, see user reviews, and see MAA402 specs and features.

I couldn't find any mention of this brand or model on ASR In Europe, at least the The Netherlands, many retailers that sell the well known brands (Marantz, McIntosh, KEF, B&W etc.) also sell this brand. I think recently they renamed from Advance Acoustics to Advance Paris.

Advance Acoustic Review

Advance Acoustic Mcd 203

  • Power output 8 Ω : 2 X 160W RMS
  • Power output 4 Ω : 2 X 240W RMS
  • Frequency response : 10 Hz - 80 kHz
  • Distortion < 0,07%
  • Signal/Noise ratio : > 120 dB
  • Channel separation > 80 dB
  • Input impedance : 20KΩ (Asymétrique)
  • Input impedance : 38KΩ (Symétrique)
  • AC Input : 115V/230V (Commutation automatique)
  • Standby power consumption : < 0,5W
  • Power consommation max : 500W
  • Power transformer : 700W
  • Toroïdal transformer
  • Dimensions : H.16 cm x W.44 cm x D.42 cm
  • Net Weight : 19 kg
Advance Acoustic Review

Advance Acoustic Wtx Review

Im curious how this would compare against Schiit's Vidar for example, which is rated
  • Power output 8 Ω : 2 X 100W RMS
  • Power output 4 Ω : 2 X 200W RMS

I found a Dutch review that did some measurements on this amp as well as the seperate preamp, but unfortunately no power measurements.Advance Acoustic Review
Does anyone have experience with this brand/model, or thoughts on the measurement graphs and build?

Cambridge Audio


Advance Acoustic X-a160 Review

Its toroidal transformer, VU-meter and tube preamplifier stand for classic audiophile virtues – streaming, text display and USB port for the technology of modern times. The MyConnect 150 has a CD player and an FM/DAB+ radio on board. Digital sources can be connected via S/PDIF optical and coax, via USB-B (for PC, also high-resolution and DSD-compatible) and USB-A (for sticks etc.). For analog sources there are no less than 7 pairs of high-level inputs and a phono port for MM and MC systems. MC sensitivity and MM capacity can be switched. Via LAN/WLAN, the MyConnect 150 can access the home network as well as Spotify, Qobuz, Tidal and Deezer, with the 'Advance Playstream App' for iOS and Android being quite helpful for these purposes. A Bluetooth dongle can optionally also be connected. Advance specifies an output power of 2 x 190 watts into 4 ohms for the built-in output stages. The MyConnect 150 is available from February for 1990 Euros.