Garageband Ipad 12 Bar Blues


Here at Transformance Music we are very excited about our upcoming training day for Primary School teachers- ‘

Developing Musicianship

and Creativity in the New National Curriculum

Garageband Ipad 12 Bar Blues Band

run in partnership with Mr Andrews Online . Details are available from here, but in essence the day will provide an opportunity for Music Specialists and classroom teacher who work with KS1-3 to tool up all all the skills and apps needed to deliver songwriting/composition sessions using iPads. We are pleased to offer delegates already attending a deal to bring a friend or colleague at half price. This also applys to new bookings- so you and a friend could each pay 75% of the fee for the day.

A complete, step by step guide to this process is in my new book, ‘Teaching Music With GarageBand for iPad’ In addition to providing a strong incentive to complete literacy tasks, students develop their self-confidence, communication and rhythmic skills. Sometimes the quietest student turns out to be a star rapper! Solo Over a 12-Bar Blues. ‎GarageBand is the easiest way to create a great-sounding song on your Mac. Add realistic, impeccably produced and performed drum grooves to your song with Drummer. Easily shape the sound of any instrument in the Sound Library with Smart Controls. Crank up the bottom end with Bass Amp Designer, or mi. Hey guys, In this lesson we’re going to learn about the three basic 12 bar blues formats. Though similar, it is very important to be able to play these different formats and understand the differences. For those who dream of blues jamming, this is a very important step! Enjoy the lesson guys! Easy tutorial on making a 12 bar blues in minor scale on your Ipad using Garage Band. Transforming the Blues iPad GarageBand Lesson. Transforming The Blues Free iPad GarageBand Project The 12 Bar Blues in a Tango Style? If you’re looking for a blues activity that’s a little different – and you have some iPads you can use during class – you might like to ask students to “transform the blues” using the GarageBand app.

12 Bar Blues Examples

We look forward to making music with you!