Html Play Audio On Image Click

Play a sound on image click in html. Javascript click to play music url. Adding background music to webpage. Audio will not play - JS -1. How do I modify a function to play a sound in HTML onclick? Execute audio player on server when link is clicked on web page. See more linked questions. In this example we will demonstrate how to play a 'click' sound when a link or other element is clicked in HTML pages. A sample code for jQueryMobile is also provided. An MP3 audio file is used play the actual sound. You have to have jQuery in your page for this to work.

i have no idea which category this goes in so starting here since I have no idea how to even begin asking javascript or php questions … I have a page with several thumbnail images and need to attach a distinct audio track to each image. one of them should be looping, the rest a single listen.

I’ve done some web searching and found several solutions – some js and some html5 – for a single audio file attached to one or more images, but nothing about working with multiple images each with their own audio file.

I am working in #wordpress but am clueless about javascript and/or php, but I am pretty handy with html and css, though. my theme, weaver II pro, does facilitate adding script to the head area.

thanks in advance for any insight.

by Christopher Heng,

This tutorial deals with how you can insert music or some other type of audio file into a web page using HTML,or HTML5 to be exact. The code automatically creates a player that your visitors can use to hear the sound.

Things to Note

  1. Since we will be using HTML5 to insert the audio player, your page will need to be in that version of HTML.If it is in an earlier version, such as XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01, you will need to change itsDOCTYPE or DTDto '<!DOCTYPE HTML>', and adjust the rest of the code on the page, if necessary, to conform with theHTML5 standard.

    If you have not yet startedmaking a website yet,and plan to use the free Microsoft Expression Web to do so, note that you can actuallymakeExpression Web use HTML5 for your website by default. This way, when you get to the pages where you want to playsound or music, you don't have to change anything, since the page will already be using the required version.

  2. In addition, since this tutorial deals with the use of HTML, you will need to know how to insert HTML code into your web page.If you use a WYSIWYG web editor, you will have to switch to its code mode to do so. Tutorials on how to do this inExpression Web,BlueGriffon,Dreamweaver andKompoZer can befound in the links for those editors in this sentence that you're reading right now. If you use blog software, you will have toswitch to its HTML input mode to insert the code given below.

  3. This article is strictly a 'how to' tutorial. It does not deal with copyright issues. I address the latter inIs It Legal to Use Any Piece of Music,Image, or Article for my Website? And Other Questions on Copyright Relevant to Webmasters.

The <audio> Tag

The HTML code to include an audio player is as follows.

In the code above, the sound or music file is 'demo.mp3' located in the same directory as the web page,as specified by the src attribute. The optional controls attribute adds playercontrols to the browser's built-in audio player. The exact controls that appear depend on theweb browser, but they typically include the ability to change the volume, play, pause, resumeand seek to an arbitrary spot in the audio stream.

Html Play Audio On Image Click Check

Anything enclosed between the <audio> and </audio> tags is ignored. You can thususe it to include an error message that will only be displayed in web browsers that don't supportthe HTML5 <audio> tag.

<audio src='demo.mp3' controls>
Error: your web browser does not support this audio player.

Html Play Audio On Image Click Test

Other possibly useful attributes include:

  • loop: the player will automatically seek back to the beginning when it reaches the end.

  • autoplay: the audio will automatically begin playing. Make sure you know whatyou're doing before using this. If yours is a normal web page (and not something that is part ofan online game), sound or music that automatically plays tends toannoypeople and make your website look like it was made by an amateur.

  • preload: this attribute hints to the browser (that is, the latter is not required to follow it)how much of the audio file it is to load in advance, prior to user-interaction. Allowed values include none(don't preload anything), metadata (preload meta data only), and auto (the browser is freeto do as it pleases, even preloading the entire file). The default value varies from browser to browser.


My demo of the HTML5 audio player usesthe following code (essentially the same as that described above):

<audio controls src='audio/demo.mp3'>
Sorry, your browser does not support the <audio> tag used in this demo.
Html Play Audio On Image Click

Feel free to visit that page with differentbrowsers if you're curious to see what the HTML5 audio player looks like in those programs.

How to Specify Different Audio File Formats

It's possible to provide different alternative file formats if you wish. To do this, specifyeach file in its own <source> tag instead of in the src attributeof the <audio> tag.

<audio controls>
<source src='demo.mp3' type='audio/mpeg'>
<source src='demo.ogg' type='audio/ogg'>

In the example above, 2 alternative file formats are offered, allowing the web browser toplay whichever format it supports.


Browser Support

Html Play Audio On Image Click Button

Although there are numerousaudiofile formats around, in practice, if you want your sound file to be playable in the maximumnumber of modern browsers possible, you will probably need to encode it in MP3 and place it inan MP3 container.

Audio encoded in Ogg Vorbis, Opus and FLAC are not widely supported, usually only by Firefox (and its derivatives),although the Android browser also apparently handles Ogg Vorbis. In addition, audio encoded in PCM, placed in WAV files,are not supported by Internet Explorer (though Microsoft Edge officially supports it). As I said, if you want youraudio to be playable in as many browsers as possible, MP3 is probably the best bet at this time. Even then,the browser needs to be sufficiently modern, so that it has support for the HTML5 <audio> tag.

Copyright © 2018 Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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Html Play Audio On Image Click Download

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This page was last updated on 12 June 2018.

Html Play Audio On Image Click