Check Consistency Traktor Pro 2

Let iTunes manage your music – You can find better guides to setting up iTunes to. Hi guys, I've had pretty good luck with Traktor Pro and getting my tags updated. If you're having trouble, here are some things to try: 1. Make sure your files are MP3 2. Run a consistency check on the collection in Traktor by right clicking on the collection folder 3. 5.10.1 Consistency Check.

Chad (MIK Mod)
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If you haven't already, before starting backup Traktor's Collection.nml file.

Select the files in Traktor, right click on them, and choose 'Import to Collection' if they are not already in the Track Collection. Your songs absolutely must be in the Track Collection before MIK can write the cue points to them.

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When the files are imported to Traktor you should have them analyzed for BPM and generate the beatgrid:

Tip: If you are not sure if the files have already been analyzed in Traktor, select all files in the Track Collection, right click on the selection, and choose Analyze.

Select the location of Traktor's Collection.nml file in MIK's Personalize/Export Cue Points tab.

Drag the files over from Traktor's Track Collection to Mixed In Key’s analysis queue, then close Traktor.

Analyze the files in Mixed In Key, or, if they had already been analyzed once click the 'Export Cue Points' button in the Personalize/Export Cue Points tab.

Check Consistency Traktor Pro 2 Free

Open Traktor. Add your tracks from your Track Collection to a deck and you should see the cue points along with the beat grid.


Traktor Pro 2.0.2+ is required.

Sometimes Traktor does not close properly on Windows. Go to the Task Manager and ensure that Traktor isn't running in the background.

You must have your songs in the Track Collection of Traktor so that they will be added to the Collection.nml file. Cue points are stored in this file so if MIK has any problem accessing it the cue points will not be written.

If you are seeing errors for any of your files in MIK, such as a permissions issue or decoding error none of the above will work, the errors would need to be resolved before starting this procedure.

Check Consistency Traktor Pro 2

If any of your files already have cue points placed on them MIK will not write new cue points for those files unless you enable the overwrite existing cue points option in MIK. Make sure to backup your collection.nml file before using this feature.

Check consistency traktor pro 2 software

On Sunday, September 27, 2015 4:26 AM dernetteoli wrote:
If you have upgraded Traktor Mixed in key will always build the link the latest version in your directory.
BUT: Traktor is not automatically updating the root file after an upgrade. If you navigate in Traktor to
It also needs to be the link to the latest installed Traktor version as it is in Mixed in key
For me the root dir was linked to version 2.7.1 rather than 2.8.1

If none of the above helps getting a look at your collection.nml file at key stages throughout the process could really help to narrow things down. Please make copies of the collection.nml file and label them appropriately, like this:

Closed Traktor Before MIK Analysis.nml - this file will tell us if the audio file you want MIK to write cue points for is properly saved in Traktor's Track Collection.
After MIK Cue Points Exported Traktor Not Yet Opened.nml - this one will tell us if the cue points have been written.
After MIK Cue Points Exported and Traktor Opened.nml - this one will tell us if Traktor is removing MIK's cue points when it is launched.
After Closing Traktor.nml - this one will tell us if Traktor is removing MIK's cue points when it is closed.


If you're still having trouble:

  1. start simple and try it with just one song.
  2. Select an audio file, and remove it from MIK's collection.
  3. Also remove it from Traktor's collection.
  4. Re-import it into Traktor's Track Collection and make sure that it is analyzed and has a beatgrid set.
  5. Check your settings in MIK, make sure the collection.nml file is selected and that MIK is set to overwrite existing cue points.
  6. Drag that file from Traktor's Track Collection into Mixed In Key.
  7. MIK won't begin processing until you close Traktor, do so now.
  8. Analyze the file in MIK, and observe Traktor's Collection.nml file to see if it's 'date modified' is updated. If it isn't then MIK most likely either can't find it or it does not have appropriate permissions to edit the file.
  9. Open Traktor again and drag that file to a deck to check for cue points.
  10. If that doesn't solve the problem for you please place all of the Collection.nml files you copied together in a .zip folder and send them to