Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix

Cp is one of the basic command in Unix. You already know that it is used to copy one or more files or directories from source to destination. While this tutorial is for beginners, it is also helpful for everybody to quickly review various cp command options using some practical examples. This process copies a file from Unix to Unix using symbolic variables to build the destination file name: Test2 process snode=Unix &d1 = /home/user &d2 = testfile &d3 = &d1/&d2 step1 copy from (file=/home/user/testunix pnode) to (file=&d3 disp=rpl snode) pend; From UNIX to WINDOWS This process copies a file from Unix to Windows then executes a run task to submit a.bat file on Windows. I am using NDM for file transfer from UNIX to AIX server=2E I have= ‘submit’ and ‘kopi’ statements that I am using in my script=2E It= is transferring the file execept that I need to be able to do= the file copy dynamically sothat I can track any errors and= continue with the next step upon the successful completion of= the copy file=2E. Hands down, the best free download manager aviable right now. It has all the features I want – grouping, multiple connections, clipboard integration, speed limiting.

What is FTP?

The FTP (File TransferProtocol) utility program iscommonly used for copying files to and from other computers. Thesecomputers may be at the same site or at different sites thousands ofmiles apart. FTP is a general protocol that works on UNIX systemsas well as a variety of other (non-UNIX) systems.
For the purposes of this Web page, the local machinerefers to the machine you are initially logged into, the one on whichyou type the ftp command. The remote machineis the other one, the one that is the argument of the ftp command.
A user interface for the standard File Transfer Protocol forARPANET, FTP acts as an interpreter on the remotemachine. The user maytype a number of UNIX-like commands under this interpreter toperform desired actions on the remote machine.
Most operating systems and communication programs now includesome form of an FTP utility program, but the commandsdiffer slightly between them. The following explanations and alphabetical listof commands refers to the common FTP utility program asprovided on a UNIX machine. Check the documentation for yourown machine to determine the comparable commands.
Most computers today include a windows-based type FTP programthat is more PC-oriented and does not require full knowledge ofthese commands.
You can also perform FTP through a browser. For example, bring up Internet Explorer and type in


instead of a normal web page URL.
The FTP site of the Computer Science department at CSU requires theuser to use sftp, the secure version of FTP. Just type sftpinstead of ftp, when you are using FTP in a terminal window.

Getting Started

To connect your local machine to the remote machine, type


where machinename is the full machine name of the remote machine,e.g., purcell.cs.colostate.edu. If the name of the machine is unknown,you may type


where machinennumber is the net address of the remote machine,e.g., In either case, this command is similar tologging onto the remote machine. If theremote machine has been reachedsuccessfully, FTP responds by asking for a loginnameand password.

When you enter your own loginname and

Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix

password for theremote machine, it returns the prompt


and permits you access to your own home directoryon the remote machine. You should be able to move around in your owndirectory and to copy files to and from your local machineusing the FTP interface commands given on the following page.

Anonymous FTP

At times you may wish to copy files from a remote machine on which youdo not have a loginname. This can be done using anonymousFTP.
When the remote machine asks for your loginname, you should typein the word anonymous. Instead of a password, you shouldenter your own electronic mail address. This allows the remote site tokeep records of the anonymous FTP requests.
Once you have been logged in, you are in the anonymousdirectory for the remote machine. This usually contains a number ofpublic files and directories. Again you should be able to move aroundin these directories. However, you are only able to copy the filesfrom the remote machine to your own local machine; you are not ableto write on the remote machine or to delete any files there.

Common FTP Commands

to request help or information about the FTP commands
asciito set the mode of file transfer to ASCII
(this is the default and transmits seven bits per character)
binaryto set the mode of file transfer to binary
(the binary mode transmits all eight bits per byte and thus provides less chance of a transmission error and must be used to transmit files other than ASCII files)
byeto exit the FTP environment (same as quit)
cdto change directory on the remote machine
closeto terminate a connection with another computer
deleteto delete (remove) a file in the current remote directory (same as rm in UNIX)
getto copy one file from the remote machine to the local machine
helpto request a list of all available FTP commands
lcdto change directory on your local machine (same as UNIX cd)
lsto list the names of the files in the current remote directory
mkdirto make a new directory within the current remote directory
mgetto copy multiple files from the remote machine to the local machine;
you are prompted for a y/n answer before transferring each file
mputto copy multiple files from the local machine to the remote machine;
you are prompted for a y/n answer before transferring each file
opento open a connection with another computer
putto copy one file from the local machine to the remote machine
pwdto find out the pathname of the current directory on the remote machine
quitto exit the FTP environment (same as bye)
rmdirto to remove (delete) a directory in the current remote directory

Further Information

Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix File

Many other interface commands are available. Also FTP can be runwith different options. Please refer to your manual or the UNIXman page on ftp for more information.

Example Sessions

Examples of two FTP sessionsare given on the next two pages.These show the type of interaction you may expect when usingthe ftp utility.


Example of Anonymous FTP Session

An FTP session to obtain the HPSC README file from thecs.colorado.edu anonymous ftpdirectory using a loginname of anonymous and apassword of one's own electronic mail address.

Example of Regular FTP Session

An FTP session to copy files froma remote machine back to nordsieck.cs.colorado.edu usingone's own login and password.

Do you mean Network Data Manager (NDM) ?
File transmission protocol software.
Normal Disconnect Mode. No connection is established to another station on the physical medium.
Network Data Mover (NDM) is a legacy file transfer product developed by System Center. NDM is now owned by Sterling Commerce and has been renamed to Connect:Direct.
Just a quick Overview on Connect:Direct
Today's organizations need more than FTP. Every organization depends on the reliable movement of files. From batch integration, to the movement of large images or catalogs, to the synchronization of remote locations or disaster-recovery sites, your business needs file transfer. For years, many organizations have turned to unmanaged, unsecured FTP to meet this need. But increasingly rigorous security policies and shorter processing windows have companies looking for alternatives to traditional FTP.
File transfer you can count on. Connect:Direct is the point-to-point file transfer software optimized for high-volume, secure, assured delivery of files within and among enterprises. Proven in the demanding financial services and telecommunications industries, where it moves terabytes of business information daily, Connect:Direct can deliver your files with:

? Assured delivery is provided via automated scheduling, checkpoint restart and automatic recovery/retry
Security ? Ensures that your customer information stays private, and that your file transfers are auditable for regulatory compliance via a proprietary protocol, authorization and encryption
Performance ? Handles your most demanding loads, from high volumes of small files to multi-gigabyte files
Connect:Direct provides a common command structure and syntax across most operating systems in commercial use today.
So for more information check: ibmmainframes.com/about9768.html
Regards, UmeySan